Amanda Flowers - Matron of Honor

My lifelong best friend, I met Amanda when I was five years old. There's a good chance everyone already knows of Amanda - many of my best memories in life include her! From swimming in my parents' pool in early March (fun but terrible idea), making the ultimate dance routines, road tripping in Alaska, or our countless fast-food outings, any time spent with Mande is a party. Her never-ending patience, spontaneity, and kindness have been a huge inspiration and support in my life.

I technically grew up with only brothers, but having Mande as a best friend all my life, she will always be my sister!

Mande - My very first true friend, my lifelong sister, and my party girl! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be where I am today or have gotten to meet Justin. Thanks a ton, Mande, love you forever and ever! xoxo


Isabel Powers - Matron of Honor

It's hard to believe I have only known Isabel since I was 16. Getting her as a best friend was the best part of high school! Isabel is incredibly talented (especially in writing!) and determined. Anything she says she's going to do, she does. Her passion is inspiring to all those around her.

From beach trips, single-handily pulling a Uhaul into a driveway while everyone watched in awe because we couldn't park it, to accidentally being the beach spectacles because we didn't know you shouldn't paddleboard in a wavy afternoon. No matter what, Isabel will be there with hilarious commentary.

Isabel - You are my inspiration not to let life pass me by! To my long drive, big plan dreaming, sunshine chasing best friend! Can’t wait to see what the future has in store; for you, I know it will include an NYT Best Seller! - your biggest fan xoxo


Chelsea Faas - Bridesmaid

When I was a kid, our family friends' teenage daughter, Chelsea, babysat me. My first thought of Chelsea was, "she is the coolest and nicest ever." Twenty years later, and I still think that today! No matter the occasion, she always brings her signature grace and fun.

Chelsea has also always been there to listen and advise. Some of the most significant leaps of faith taken in my life happened with her guidance - before Justin and I went on our first date, I was so nervous that Chels had to call me to make sure I was going. I'll forever thank her for that encouragement!

Chelsea - thank you so much for your encouragement and love. I'm honored to have you as a bridesmaid and lifelong friend! Also, shoutout to you for having the best judgment in books EVER! My world will forever be better, thanks to your book recs. Cheers to the greatest life advisor there is! xoxo

Emily Ryan - Bridesmaid

I first briefly met Emily at a family friend's wedding and then got to know her at Amanda's bachelorette in 2017. I knew on that trip that Emily was going to be a forever friend!

We got to spend a summer working in Alaska together. Her friendship and support in such a crazy time have helped shape me into the person I am today. Her generosity, grace, and wisdom know no bounds. We have so many incredible memories together, but one of my favorite memories was when we spent a whole day hanging out in Seaside, FL. She was getting married soon and had a lot going on in preparation. Seaside is one of my favorite places so she wanted us to visit since we were close by. I know time was very precious then so it will always mean a lot to me she went out of her way to spend a day there.

Emily - Thank you for being there during one of the craziest years of my life and for becoming a forever friend in the process! Also, shoutout to your wedding for being the beginning of this story! xoxo

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Londin Mair - Bridesmaid

Londin and I met while in our sorority in college at the University of Houston. We bonded immediately over our similar sense of humor and love for photography and design. She is an unbelievable artist!

Since our sorority days, we've gotten to make a lot of memories from our Joshua Tree / Las Vegas trip to helping one another with some exciting projects - she took our engagement photos on this website!

One of my favorite qualities about Londin has to be the way she makes everyone feel welcomed. She's always thinking of others! No matter how busy she is, she will always find a way to be there for her loved ones. She's taught me to be a better friend and the importance of making time for others.

Londin - Many things have changed since college, but I'm grateful that our friendship has been a constant. Thank you for making Austin feel more like home! I’m thrilled to have you as a bridesmaid! Can’t wait for all our future trips and projects! xoxo


Julie Holmes - Bridesmaid

Just like with Justin, I can't remember the first time I met his sister Julie. Growing up with the Ryans, I would hear how fun and talented she is - she's a fantastic pro dancer! I've finally gotten to know her myself, and I can testify that everyone was 100% right!

A favorite memory of Julie that still makes me laugh was from our skip trip. She had never been snowboarding before. We were riding up a ski lift, and I asked her, "How do you like snowboarding?" She took a minute and said, "You know what, I think I'm more of a beach girl," in the most hilariously candid tone. Her attitude was so chill for someone who didn't like snowboarding that was about to go to the very top of a mountain, haha.

Julie - From day one, you have always been so kind and welcoming. I'm so grateful that I get to have a friend at every family function for the rest of my life! Thank you for being a friend and now a bridesmaid! xoxo



Jimmie Ryan - Best Man // Cousin


Justin Wood- Groomsman // Friend

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Sean Holmes - Groomsman // Brother


Jonathan Peña - Groomsman // Brother-in-Law


Matt Schultz - Groomsman // Friend


Chris Peña - Groomsman // Brother-in-Law



Michael Ryan - Usher // Cousin


Harrison Ryan - Usher // Cousin